Road to 1001: Mockumentary Edition

The SaintFeb 3rd, 2009Posted by The Saint on
1001 Movies

Some time around September I decide I was going to watch all the movies on the 1001 movies you must see before you die list. On the initial pass, I had seen around 113 of the movies. It was mostly modern films, but I had seen a good spattering of classics. Since then, I’ve been putting in work and pushing through the list. I’m currently at 166 (yes that is a lot of movies, but last semester was very easy). I decided to start reviewing some of the movies on the list as I watch them. I’m not going to review all of them, but if I really enjoy one or feel like talking about it, I’ll put it up. So without further ado, I will start with a double-review in a special Mockumentary Edition.

This is Spinal Tap
Amazing. I don’t know how it took me this long to see this movie, I should have seen it years ago. This is Spinal Tap mockumentary that follows the fake metal band Spinal Tap around on their second US tour. Featuring the classic “This one goes to 11” scene, this movie hits every joke right on the nose.

Man Bites Dog
Very Good. In this black comedy, the camera crew follows around a serial killer as he goes through his day. The entire thing is shot in black and white which gives it a much older feel. As you might have guessed, there are some fairly graphic scenes through out the movie. However, I found that the comedic presentation softened to blow that the audience would have felt if this had been a horror movie. That being said, rape scenes are always hard to watch. An American remake would probably do fairly well if one was made today. You might need to make some alterations to some of the random conversation between the crew and the main character. However, those are just minor changes of little consequence if you keep the same feel of the characters interactions. In general, I would be fine if they just did it again in English to help out the people who are too lazy to read subtitles.