An Open Letter to Those Who were Employed by ARUP Three Years Ago But Have Since Left

Dear Sir/Madam,

While I have never met you, you have touched my life greatly. The time you spent filing as you worked is much appreciated. Generally files are organized chronologically or by a call number. However you strived to show what was really possible with the Throw-It-in-a-Box Method. It really should be adopted by all companies, large and small. You wouldn’t believe how easy it was to find the necessary documents to ensure ARUP does not get sued and blamed for the delays during construction. They were only minor delays, so it wasn’t even a big issue. The building is only going to open 14 months late.

As I worked though the files that had been so diligently organized, I learned something about you. You are from the More is Better school of thought. You opened my eyes to a much larger world that I didn’t think was possible with staples. Never before have I seen so little done with so much. I used to think that if I used one staple for two pieces of paper that it was overkill. I mean, a 1 to 2 ratio is so high. But then you showed me the light. I being a lesser man would have stopped at the 1 to 2 ratio. But no, you pushed forward beyond common sense and logic. When you arrived there were six pieces of paper, when you left there was one stack firmly secured and your stapler was now five staples lighter. A very bold move to which I tip my hat.
You have shown me that there is a lot I have yet to learn. I hope I get to follow in the path of many others like you, if there are others of you great caliber.


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