Snakes (not) on Planes (2 of 26)

The SaintMay 29th, 2006Posted by The Saint on

First off, I’m sorry the last entry was so awkward. I will most likely only have 7 or so more that end up as very difficult. I have taken on the challenge and intend to finish.

Now on to the the important things. Now if you all think to later times, you might recall our friends from Florida. The Snake and the Alligator. They had a disagreement that escalated, however, in the end the two of them lost. ( Link for those that forgot.) At the time I thought a snake versus an alligator was the end of crazy shit snakes would think of.

I was wrong. Trivia time: What African animals kills more humans than any other per year?
Lion, standard guess, though not correct.
Elephant, they are quite large however leave most of their rein of terror to circus acts and destroying childhood dreams.
The answer you are looking for is Hippo. They are large and vicious. I saw a National Geographic that mentioned the fact that crocodiles would not mess with young hippo’s if the mother was around, even if the young was right there drinking. Everyone has seen a shot of a croc owning an antelope at a watering hole, so we can see that this is a important point.

Returning to how I started. Snakes. While the following hippo is not full grown, it definitely starts out completely inside this snake. Linked in case you’d rather not see it. Though it’s not really graphic. With this piece of evidence, I would now have small tremors if I got on a plane and saw a snake.