Site Update

The SaintFeb 16th, 2007Posted by The Saint on
The Website

As stated earlier, I was working on a page that would display the songs I list on all my posts in one convenient place. Today I finished up all the bugs. The songs can be listed by artist name, song name, and what date they were posted on. The more interesting point, for me at least, was that I implemented a paging function that allows the user to move between sections of the list and not force the user to look at one very long list of songs. The list is also cached on the server. This lets the page will load much faster because the database does not need to be accessed every time some one refreshes the page or moves to another spot in the list.

To take a look at my musical tastes, head over to My Music Choices.

The addition of this page also lets you see a feature I added earlier, but did not have enough pages to implement it. The top menu bar ( Home About …) has a built in drop down menu. If you hover over About, you will see a link to my music page. As I add more to the new layout this will be utilized more.